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Early Years Foundation Stage


Our under two's area, the 'Nest', offers a relaxed homely environment for children to develop their independence, imagination and curiosity. Children have access to equipment and toys which are age appropriate and stimulating to suit their needs. They have the opportunity to explore sand, water, messy play, building resources, cause and effect toys and treasure baskets and are encouraged to join in with singing, stories and rhymes. There is also a separate area outside for young children to explore and keep safe. This is equipped with a climbing frame with slide, sand house, chalk/ paint brushes for mark-making, books, blocks, musical instruments, water play, ball exploration, low beams for walking on, balancing logs, ramp and ride on toys.


Main Area
​In the main area, there are 10 areas of provision each providing resources and enhancements built around the seven areas of learning and development. We aim to create a foundation for learning for all children by providing stimulating and caring environment for all educational needs. Children have opportunities to be creative, physical and imaginative throughout the day. There is a balance of free-play where children can choose activities and adult-led activities such as small group times. Children listen to stories, join in with singing and rhymes. We have a large outdoor play area which we value and equip with resources designed to provide a range of opportunities to enhance children's learning. Children can climb, ride bikes, scooters and cars and explore in our newly created 'mud kitchen'. We have an 'outdoor living room' and a sand house for play during rainy weather. We wrap up warm with gloves, hats and scarves during cold weather and wear sun hats and suncream when it's very hot.



All areas of learning and resources in the 'nest' and in the main area are underpinned by the principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Three prime areas:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development

  • Communication and Language

  • Physical Development


For children aged 1-3yrs, key workers focus strongly on these three areas.


Four specific areas:                                                                                                                            Pre-school Uniform Link

  • Literacy

  • Mathematics

  • Understanding the World

  • Expressive Arts and Design


As children grow in confidence and ability, the focus will be more equal across all seven areas of learning. 


Staff observe children to monitor individual development and plan activities and experiences linked to the E.Y.F.S. to support children's future learning. We are OFSTED inspected and on our last inspection in September 2017 we received a 'GOOD'. 



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